Edgar Pye Research Trust Scholarships.

Introduction to the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust:

Following the most unfortunate death of R. Edgar Pye in July 1989, whilst he held the office of President of the Society of Feed Technologists, the Society determined to set up the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust (Registration Charity No. 1004754) to perpetuate Edgar’s memory by the presentation of a Research Scholarship on a regular basis.

Trustees, Committee and Judging Panel for 2023: The Society of Feed Technologists undertakes the management of the Trust and the Research Scholarship and does so free of charge. The activities of the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust are financed from a modest investment fund and the generosity of sponsors without whom the award levels would not be possible.

Trustees: Dr. John Dunne (Chairman), Inge Verwoerd (Secretary), John Long, Andrew Lunt (Treasurer),  David Wilde and Richard Remmer.

Committee Members: In addition to the Trustees above Dr. Jules Taylor-Pickard and Richard Remmer are committee members.

Judging Panel: John Dunne, David Wilde and Richard Remmer and Dr. Jules Taylor-Pickard are appointed judges for 2024. The judges are at liberty to seek specialist assistance as required.


The 2024 Scholarship Fund, from which awards will be allocated, is £2000.00. We are grateful to our sponsors, listed below, who have generously donated to make this fund possible.

The Research Project.
The aim is to sponsor a research-based project chosen competitively. The project may be in any area of farm animal feeding including animal nutrition and management, feed production and marketing. The project can be undertaken in the UK, abroad or based on travel to study the appropriate subject.

Who May Apply?
The Edgar Pye Research Scholarship is open to anyone who is either studying agriculture or a related subject, or who is already employed in the UK or Irish Animal Feed Industry, and is resident in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland.

The basis on which Edgar Pye Research Scholarships will be awarded:
The award will be given to the applicant, who, in the opinion of the panel of judges, has most capably:
• Identified an area of research relevant to the UK and Irish Compound Feed Industry in the forthcoming five years
• Prepared a programme thoroughly, including sources of information
• Provided a realistic budget for the costs of the project
• Presented the proposals clearly and according to the rules

The Benefits of being awarded an Edgar Pye Research Scholarship:
1. A research scholarship award of up to £2000.00 will be given towards the research project described in the application. In recent years awards have typically ranged from £1500.00 to £3000.00.
2. Early exposure to the feed industry with enhanced employment opportunities
3. Contributing to developments in the animal feed industry

The Rules.
1. Closing date for submission in 2024 – 31st October.
2. Entries to be typewritten double-spaced not exceeding 5000 words. Entries to be single sided on A4 paper. Please email entries to secretary@sft.uk.com
3. The proposed research must be within the broad subject areas described above, and the objectives of the project must be set out clearly.
4. The project must be fully described and a budget of costs provided.
5. The amount awarded to a successful applicant will be at the discretion of the judges.
6. More than one applicant may receive an award at the discretion of the judges.
7. It is hoped to select the winner by 31st July and the project described and the award made shortly afterwards. The successful candidate will then have a set period, depending on the project, to complete it and submit a draft paper in a format provided to the SFT Advisory Committee.
8. All applicants must agree that if awarded an Edgar Pye Scholarship they will give a presentation, the scholarship research project, at an SFT conference within 18 months of the award. Travel and subsistence expenses to the conference will be reimbursed.
9. Entries will be submitted to a panel of judges selected by the Trustees of the Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust.
10. The decision of the judges is final.

Previous Awards.

In 2023 the Edgar Pye Research Trust awarded £2000. The winner was Georgina Smith with her project on;

‘Identifying optimal ratios of porcine milk oligosaccharides for supplemental use in enhancing gut health and pre-weaning survival using an in vitro piglet hindgut model’

The Society of Feed Technologists (SFT) looks forward to the presentation of their research at its conferences in the next 18 months.

The Research Scholarship has been also awarded over recent years for the following research projects:

• Spotting Gastric Ulcers in Pigs by Their Behaviour

• How do Prebiotics Influence the Metabolic Pathways – Expressed by Chicken Caecal Microbiota.

• The Nutritional Value of Seaweed in Dairy Cow Nutrition.

• Superdosing of Phytase –Research and implications.

• Early Nutritional Strategies to promote lifetime pig performance.

• An investigation into the factors influencing the microbiological status of wheat entering feed and flour mills.

• Determination of the apparent and standardised amino acid digestibility values for wheat distillers dried grains with solubles supplemented with or without exogenous enzymes for broilers.

• The influence of Dietary Benzoic Acid and Turmeric (curcuma longa L) meal supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient utilization and intestinal health of broilers.

• Investigating the transfer of genes from genetically modified (GM) maize to the pig intestinal microbiota: one of the steps in determining the safety of GM feed.

Contact: for more information on applying or sponsoring please contact@ secretary@sft.uk.com

The Edgar Pye Scholarship Trust is very grateful indeed for the generosity of the sponsors below without whom the award levels would not have been possible: